TODAY We want your input on the Climbing Management Plan!

Comment Period DEADLINE: March 13, 2022

Friends of Joshua Tree is asking the general public and the climbing community to help comment on the Climbing Management Plan that the National Park is currently working on. NOW is the time for climbers to be heard! We want to provide you with some resources and talking points to better help with creating your comments.

STORYBOARD: This is the Storyboard that Joshua Tree National Park has put together. On this page you will find useful information and interactive maps to understand the situation. 

Review WILDERNESS ACT (Section 4C) and DIRECTOR’S ORDER 41(Section 7.2)We suggest you also review the Wilderness Act (Section 4C) and Director’s Order 41 (Section 7.2) to understand what we are working with and to familiarize yourself with the verbiage and legal framework. 

Key talking points that we would like to be mentioned are as follows:

  • Funding for climbing-related elements:  Why this substantial funding in the Park is crucial (crag trails, signage, SAR, communications, Climber Stewards, public and Park staff education, maps, etc).
  • Bolts in Wilderness Areas:  Bolts should be allowed and not prohibited in Wilderness areas (see NPS D.O. 41 above).
  • Sport Climb:  Why the public should have input on what is considered a ‘Sport Climb’ in Wilderness.
  • Bolt Replacement IS Safety:  Why you believe bolt replacement is crucial to safety, and establishing new routes is beneficial.
  • Indigenous Cultural History:  Why protecting rock art and indigenous cultural history is important for all of us.
  • Social Trail Management:  Social Trails must be managed better through clear trail marking, signage and maintenance.
  • Use of Volunteer Labor:  We need better utilization of volunteer labor to facilitate maintenance and responsible use of our Park.
FOJT with David Smith
January ’22 – Several FOJT Board Directors with Superintendent, David Smith.

Ideally, submit one comment for each topic, and please use your own words. Templated sign-on letters don’t carry the same weight as individual thoughtful comments.  

*Obviously keep it respectful so no one is triggered :-} 

Comment Period DEADLINE: March 13, 2022

This will guide climbing management in JTNP and beyond for the next 15-20 years. Feel free to reach out with any questions and thank you for your help.