About the recent damage done in Rattlesnake Cyn… Beautifully written by a Friend, Nikki Hodgson. In 1927, a Swedish immigrant built a small house on top of a hill in the middle of the Lost Horse Valley, just south of Quail Springs. John Samuelson, who was later acquitted of murder and escaped from a state hospital in 1930, spent his free time carving… Read More
Climb Smart comes to JTree Oct 18-20, 2013 Save The Date, Climb Smart 2013, Oct. 18-20. Registration will open in early August. Clinic planning is under way with a new, simplified format. Stay tuned! See the gallery of 2012 pics here!… Read More
Rattlesnake Canyon closed due to Vandalism! The popular Indian Cove accessible crag known as Rattlesnake Canyon has been closed to all access while the JTNP deepens the investigation of the vandals defacing rock and creating blight in our National Park. Here is what the mainstream media is saying http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-joshua-tree-graffiti-20130413,0,3668905.story This link will take you to the official announcement by JTNP on… Read More