How informed are you of the Defunding of National Park Staff?



Friends Of Joshua Tree encourages good climbing community relations with our National Park staff, and stand against the recent firings at NPS and USFS. In particular we see the up and coming land management professionals being dropped even as they are doing some of the most crucial work on trail maintenance, fire control, public education on high desert ecosystems and environmental impact mitigation. It’s peak season in Joshua Tree! The timing of this action couldn’t be worse.

We want the global climbing community to weigh in and let your voices be heard!

There are 3 actions we want you to take:

  1. Call Senators 202-224-3121
  2. Write congressional reps…especially your Senators. (Outdoor Alliance tool
  3. Give to support orgs like FOJT or JTNPA as we ramp up immediately to offer support and push back.
  4. Locally, we have started a special “Ranger Support Fund” to help the 6 fired JTNP staff as they scramble for financial footing. Please donate to this fund FOJT’s Ranger Support Fund donation page.

Funding public lands is something all Americans support, as proven by the recently passed bipartisan EXPLORE Act of 2025. We all want access to well managed/maintained Parks and shared wild places. Thank You for caring about our precious public lands! 


Friends Of Joshua Tree Board of Directors