December 15, 2013 | Kenji FOJT thanks Kevin Powell for stepping up to improve the anchors at a popular feature in the Park, and for showing the way forward for climbers to work with the Park in wilderness fixed anchor management. Here’s a screen cap of his post on Mountain Project about the replaced/upgraded anchors on Room To Shroom and four other climbs just a short scramble from Barker Dam. No need to use the Pinyon Pine anymore! Both Mark Butler (Superintendent JTNP) and John Jarvis (Director, NPS) have made recent landmark decisions that clarify how fixed anchors in wilderness are to be managed… thanks to the input of groups like FOJT, AF, and climbing ranger Bernadette Regan (JTNP), the way forward is both better for climbers and the preservation of the Park. That is a win/win! FOJT BOD [Show picture list] Thanks KP! Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterPinterest