Time to mark your calendars, everyone. OCTOBER 14-16 is the annual FOJT Climb Smart event, staging once again at Joshua Tree Lakes Campground and in various spots inside JTNP. This  year will be a special community gathering marking the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service and the 19th staging of this seasonal kickoff to… Read More

Friends Of Joshua Tree supports JOSAR (the volunteer Search & Rescue in JTNP) very actively… but you might ask ‘What Does SAR do’? and ‘How do they do it’? Or maybe ‘How might I Get Involved’? JOSAR performs a crucial function in and around the Park performing searches, evacuations, and treatment on site of lost… Read More

Mark your calendars (OCTOBER 17-19, 2014) for the kickoff event of the Fall climbing season in JTree… Climb Smart 2014. A benefit for Friends Of Joshua Tree as well as JOSAR, this gathering at the Joshua Tree Lake Campground and Astronomy Arts Theater and various venues in and outside of the Park is simply an… Read More