The popular Indian Cove accessible crag known as Rattlesnake Canyon has been closed to all access while the JTNP deepens the investigation of the vandals defacing rock and creating blight in our National Park. Here is what the mainstream media is saying,0,3668905.story This link will take you to the official announcement by JTNP on… Read More

There is still space for Climb Smart 2012, kicking off the Fall climbing season in Joshua Tree with a fantastic lineup of legendary climbers, brands, locals, and inspiration to last all of 2013. Click Here an important article just published by the Access Fund on egregious activities that currently affect climbing access in JTNP  Friends… Read More

Before you move on to the high elevations, mark your calendar for Climb Smart 2012, October 19-21 at JT Lake Campground and in the Park. Climb Smart is the kickoff event in Joshua Tree for climbers, bringing the local and global climbing community together for education, celebration and inspiration.  Last year’s event was a breakthrough… Read More