by Bernadette Regan Since 2009, Climbers Coffee has served over 29,000 cups of coffee, cocoa, and tea.  Sometimes, climbers new to the scene will take a sip then expectantly smile bigger than normal.  They tend to expect that ‘Free Coffee’ means bad coffee.  Thanks to Friends of Joshua Tree, Joshua Tree Outfitters, Flophouse Resoles, Cliffhanger… Read More

As funding becomes more of a challenge for all of us, FOJT is reaching out to you, our climbing community, for help. We are looking for knowledge on grant monies, endowment opportunities, donations, matching funds or work related charities. Employers could use our 501(c)(3) status for tax benefits. We need to find new revenue streams… Read More

The Pics are posted, the surveys are done, and the season is well under way in Joshua Tree… but it’s not too early to Save The Date for Climb Smart 2017.  Cut and Paste this into your 4K Digital Interactive Voice-Activated Robot Calendar ….  CLIMB SMART 2017, OCTOBER 13-15, 2017 (JTNP and Joshua Tree Lake Campground)… Read More