Through executive order, President Obama has brought to reality the multi-year dream of Senator Dianne Feinstein and the conservation community in California by proclaiming not one but THREE new National Monuments, all in the greater Mojave Desert ecosystem. Friends Of Joshua Tree, along with a cadre of other key conservation-minded organizations throughout California (like the… Read More

February 5-7, 2016, a women’s-specific climbing course focused on trad techniques is being brought to Joshua Tree in a collaboration with the good folks at Cliffhanger Guides. From their site you’ll see this is one group that celebrates and educates around multi-pitch trad climbing with and for Women. They do have a funny name… but they take… Read More

Climb Smart 2015 happened under dramatic skies in and around Joshua Tree National Park this past weekend (October 16-18, 2015) with education as the centerpiece of a festival that brought together 200+ climbers from around the Western U.S. to kick off the season. Staged with lightning flashing in the night sky, thunder rolling nearby but… Read More