UPDATE – athlete lineup to include Nina Williams, Brad Gobright, John Long, Jon Cardwell, Rob Mulligan, Ben Hanna and other pros stepping up for CLIMB SMART 2017!  Can you feel it coming? Joshua Tree season just around the corner… ticket sales for Climb Smart 2017 are approaching sold out. We sold out last year about… Read More

The Pics are posted, the surveys are done, and the season is well under way in Joshua Tree… but it’s not too early to Save The Date for Climb Smart 2017.  Cut and Paste this into your 4K Digital Interactive Voice-Activated Robot Calendar ….  CLIMB SMART 2017, OCTOBER 13-15, 2017 (JTNP and Joshua Tree Lake Campground)… Read More

In April, some Friends of Joshua Tree board members, along with two different youth groups and staff of JTNP (even the Superintendent and his children) joined together to recreate, celebrate and educate in the Park over a weekend. These youth had never been to any national park, and most had never camped. They were from… Read More